Why do we use language? Very easy we use it to interact & to
Communicate with each other. We express our emotion and
explain our opinion by language. If we observe the whole human
Beings of the world every society have their own language.
Only some of us those who have not active listening machine they
Can’t earn this autonomous skill. But they have their own gesture for
Communication. Even in every society people those who are illiterate acquire this skill,they have the knowledge, they explain, they are very able to meet
their every social necessity, only problem they face, they are well
Unknown about others till if anybody dose not share with them about
the culture of others in their own mother tongue.
So to know others & fill our thirst of knowledge we have to learn a language
which is very easy & accepted by the whole. You may explain
why have to we learn the 2nd language and why do we acceptet
any other language as our 2nd language?
Brother if you try, you will able to find out the cause. Firstly if you not learn
the 2nd language you can’t fill your thirst 2nd one you may object,
Yes! “Why don’t others take my language?” Brother you know the
political reason. They ruled the whole world & renaissance also happened
in their land if you are not satisfied then I have to say that you
have the liability to introduce your generation so you have to translate .
But it is an enormous job because you have only for a few time in your
life time & Your generation will feel crisis of translator.
So please don’t show your ego without showing any solution or
alternative idea to solve your (only your) egoistic problem.
Happily or unhappily all of us are agree to learn a 2nd language now
I want to talk about them. If we go back in our childhood at the age of 4/5/6
we were admitted in our school but before admitting in school
we had started our reading (only copying and recite with picture) of
rhymes with our mother at home. We could reply any question
and interact in our mother tongue. At the age of 4/5/6 child
has not so much knowledge .They just have some basic idea of big / small,
heavy / light etc.Gradually they learn reading and then writing.
When we learn the 2nd language we begin “A for 'apple',
B for 'bird', C for 'cat'” we learn the identity of letter then reading
Then writing. But later we learned differently again speaking .what a waste?
If we(literate/illiterate) visit another country or region where the language is not like Our one if we stay more than one moth we will interact and understand
without reading and writing . When we were born we listen & listen
at the age of two(2) and half year or at the age of 3 we reply in single
word .Then gradually we say sentence at the age of four(4) but in this age
we also made some pronoun mistake. As example if the child name
is Sumona/John s/he says that “John/sumon eats bread/rice”. But gradually
they acquire the acquiracy its take 5/6/7 year.
So in case of learning 2nd language if we create a atmosphere where
the child will get opportunity of listening and give them proper time
they will reply & interact it will be scientific(listening>talking>reading>
writing). Then after 4/5 year when they feel easy in using 2nd language you may teach /help them how do we read and write.
Md Nasrujjaman Sahaji
Dear, If you feel then it is your duty to think about & I will request you to think "Out Of Our Orbit" it will shock you & immediately after change you . Because you will have got the solution...........now every one recognize you as a genius .
School of Thought
“Out of Our Orbit” is my day dream. In thinking how do I help my beloved people to find out or choose & adopt a peaceful coexistence habit world over on 2nd Nov 2003 at 2nd floor reading room of Rabindra Bharati University central library I got ‘Out of Our Orbit’. Before publishing its volumes I invite authors (thinker) of the whole world on the basis- school of thought “Out of Our Orbit” of their(our) problems.