School of Thought

“Out of Our Orbit” is my day dream. In thinking how do I help my beloved people to find out or choose & adopt a peaceful coexistence habit world over on 2nd Nov 2003 at 2nd floor reading room of Rabindra Bharati University central library I got ‘Out of Our Orbit’. Before publishing its volumes I invite authors (thinker) of the whole world on the basis- school of thought “Out of Our Orbit” of their(our) problems.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Organized Child Labour

In west bengal all the undertaken primary schools are running without any sweeper or
allotment on sweeping .How do we send our child in primary school because there the teacher asks student to sweeps & to bell every hour. It was possible in “Buniadi” education system. Because we knew in the “Buniadi” system students were taught in every spares. Teachers helped the student to build themselves as a responsible, self depended, conservative in regarding own culture. There teachers were permitted to punish/rebuke/physical torture/mental torture to control discipline & make obedient for not only senior but also to country & its rules. According to them if any students are not controlled by stick then how will we expect that anti social control by gun?

There was some positive side. But education system is very dynamic it is changing day by day so now it is completely changed. In our India as per order of Supreme court no teacher can rebuke/or punish his/her students. Because punishment / any physical torture breaks the man value of child. Yes every teachers will agree with this. Now a question arise automatically how will the teachers control the discipline up to class-7 in Girls & Boys school. Another critical problem will arise in co-education school up to class-12.In the primary school if two or more student quarrel then child asks to their teacher to solve it. As per the rule if teacher deny the guardians will come to school and object how do we depend on your school? Here our child is not safe. So our govt. is very careful to protect the child from teachers but why don’t they allot a fund for sweeping /cleaning in the primary (F.P) school. Why does govt. enjoy & utilize the child labor indirectly?
Previously the maximum buildings were poor now with the help of “Sarba sikshya Mission” the buildings have improved. Every primary school has more than 4 rooms & the (maximum) teachers use the Childs hopelessly to clean it with their previous practice.
Md Nasrujjaman Sahaji
5th August 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I Am The Aged I am The Experienced!

In our society though we well-known that expert may come out from various age .Generosity never depend on the age but you must have face in your friend circle and in your home also that your unskilled (in few matters) father and sometimes your elder one claim “is my hair change in white in the open wind?” some are very clear and claim openly that yes “I am the aged so I am the experienced one” ok some other logic also available in our society that “experience depend on age because some company and in the news paper we regularly see that they need 3/4 /5 years experienced worker.

So in supporting age is not the mother of experience how do I break the logic? So come with me. Here it is an example for you in a company interview all the participants are eligible in respect to experience (working) but there are limited sit. So please clarify it “dose the company recruit all the participants? & extend the opportunity .What a nonsense job. Never!........ damned. They select among them comparatively though they all have working experience but they choose the experts.

So working for a long is not determining the experience. But it is real if any body in your friend, relative, colleague; blood related elder one claim that he/she is experienced more it is true in connection of sexual intercourse& various social matters like marriage, death & birth. Though it is also participation job & here age plays a vital role. In a class room, in your office, in your project, in the village meeting, in the interview, in teashop gossip, debate on political matters, system, policy, in criticism in every small job even your shaving also you will be expert if you participate properly. Please look back in your Life how long you stay without participating in matters. Ok you try but you can’t participate 100% & also it was bother job to you (isn’t it?), dream work is different .When you participate you will gather good experience. Once a man (young) was not connected with headphone in a busy rail way junction .An announcement delivered by the authority about coming train and immediately after he asked “what they say?”. It is happened several time in my life. So Experience depends on participation not in working longtime.

If you recall it is also happened in your life that you were traveled in you friend or relative house and you were new for that new environment but you had proofed that you were well-known among the dwellers when your aunt/aunty search any thing in that house. How do you look your surroundings? How much did you give importance your society? That is your observation. Experience depends on rate of observation.

Last of all is study. In your daily life you will see friends, colleague, household members, your co passengers all are talking about others and the problem of our life and Society, country very few among them control themselves and they before object any thing show the way how do we solve (yes solution, some time by their lifestyle) it .They some times are discouraged by their family “Why do you think others?” please think for your own. According to them every problem has a solution. They think about everything so they always smile. This is the study. More you study you will gather more experience.
……………………..Now please self announcer person be experienced .

Md Nasrujjaman Sahaji
30th March 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010

Opportunity-1 (Little extention about result after implementation)

Subject: Teacher should be transferred systematically in every
(1/2/3) years within a circle in the primary level and within
a subdivision in the secondary level.

In the primary & secondary sector some teacher are very energetic
they always working to change the society but some are
unenergetic so pupil and people are suffering of that
particular area.

If you look at the statistics of the “DROP OUT” you
will see that a area when affected then gradually it will
increasing( Cause of un energetic teacher).Some of them
are not satisfied with their adjective” backbone of our soc
iety " they want to do more than that for our society so they
perform as a political labor. They think that they work for a whole
so without any devotion and attaining classes they enjoy
their salary.
Energetic teacher have some problem in performing
their duties in an area for a long, because as we know that
“Teachers are the backbone of our society” so they always
think and make or try to make our society in an accommodate
manner, there fore they have to face various problems with
the local leaders(Cause of aggressive political labor).Poli
ticaly involved teachers steal their duty hours by managing the
area with their political power.

1.Transfer(rolling) the teacher in every(1/2/3) year within
a circle in primary sector and within a sub-division in secondary
2.Politically involved teacher does not manage new environment
as early as s/he dream. Also if the area is his anti zone then s/he will
be tortured for his stealing of duty hours & obviously s/he paid only for that.

3. We know time by time our teachers are retired but in this general vacancy
are not filled in time for various causes but who are sufferer? So if dept. updates
the ratio of teachers student ratio in every 1/2/3 years it will be a justice
for the backward and remote or politically unrolling zone.

4.It will be very helpful not only for the students & in updated area
but also the unenergetic teacher will face a environment which
had been created by an energetic teacher, will encourage him/her
to grow up.( we know “ as Environment create Awareness
Also Awareness create Environment)

5.As per our experience we know that some institute are very improved for
some teachers. They have the unique energy, devotion, planning etc so I think they have to give a new challenge to grow up them more and it is also a part of social justice and communism in sense of proper distribution.

Md Nasrujjaman Sahaji
Feb, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

S.P & Religion

Sometimes I listened that some of us claim that our religion is the only one but your are not divine .Have you any proof? What is happening here? We all want
to establish that yes we are the best if you go through you will be facilitated
Physically, mentally .It is the demand by the real human lover group. After all
it is funny you know why ? you follow a life style & you praise it or yourself.
But some power also is working behind it for constructing administration
& their only goal is doing only business. All right it is not clear to you.
You know British ruled us for 200(including the Company) they make us as raw material producing country. They extort our labor .Beside it why they continue
their charity by opening Mission school and church. They knew if they
share their culture with us ,some of us will be convert by the facilities and also to enjoy the foreign power and freedom or different taste. It is true that copying any culture and practicing it, man changed automatically. Then these all those who changed will behave like them and will be a good supporter and be helpful for business. Sometimes these people are used not only by their skill but also their personal family life and even his/her life is used by the culprits or the power hunter. Recently you know after breaking the country IRAQ with the help of divide and rule policy some charity groups were automatically arrived to do so. Now it is the age of information people will know automatically what is good and what is bad. They also well-known about what the motto behind the charity works. So why do you aggressively fight in your dark false hood for implementing your life style. Create opportunity for your people to know the truth and honesty and duty for countrymen & country.

You may say it is as same as the question like “what should be the first
is egg before than hen or hen before the egg?” no my brother please
think deeply about in reality “is religion mother of society or society is
the mother of religion”. yes every one those who are well-known /practical they
support that society is the mother of religion .If you go back to the initial/primitive you will see that every primitive society have their own culture and their own unique life style .They worship in their own way .But when they see
others (in general ,not the culture creator) they share and(most of them)
agree to taste the new and add which s/he like with their own. Then they follow
a mix culture.. In every society anciently when they were not updated by
the other they have their own religion . Even if you observe the “Ongey”
worshiping the S.P(Supreme Power).It is their life style it is their
religion. So in this small world every society follow their own life style.
But we the people always think that if my neighbor follows my style
then it will be better. We always want to be major in percentage. So they invite their friends and brother even curious people for enjoyment and to make experiment practice various life styles. So what? You have to be clear that S.P is only one but there should different way/life styles/cultures regionally/religion. Why you people are counted by the religion /way/life styles of our(don’t know who was this rubbish identity creator)saprophytes government policy.
Md Nasrujjaman Sahaji
March 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Why do we use language? Very easy we use it to interact & to
Communicate with each other. We express our emotion and
explain our opinion by language. If we observe the whole human
Beings of the world every society have their own language.
Only some of us those who have not active listening machine they
Can’t earn this autonomous skill. But they have their own gesture for
Communication. Even in every society people those who are illiterate acquire this skill,they have the knowledge, they explain, they are very able to meet
their every social necessity, only problem they face, they are well
Unknown about others till if anybody dose not share with them about
the culture of others in their own mother tongue.
So to know others & fill our thirst of knowledge we have to learn a language
which is very easy & accepted by the whole. You may explain
why have to we learn the 2nd language and why do we acceptet
any other language as our 2nd language?
Brother if you try, you will able to find out the cause. Firstly if you not learn
the 2nd language you can’t fill your thirst 2nd one you may object,
Yes! “Why don’t others take my language?” Brother you know the
political reason. They ruled the whole world & renaissance also happened
in their land if you are not satisfied then I have to say that you
have the liability to introduce your generation so you have to translate .
But it is an enormous job because you have only for a few time in your
life time & Your generation will feel crisis of translator.

So please don’t show your ego without showing any solution or
alternative idea to solve your (only your) egoistic problem.

Happily or unhappily all of us are agree to learn a 2nd language now
I want to talk about them. If we go back in our childhood at the age of 4/5/6
we were admitted in our school but before admitting in school
we had started our reading (only copying and recite with picture) of
rhymes with our mother at home. We could reply any question
and interact in our mother tongue. At the age of 4/5/6 child
has not so much knowledge .They just have some basic idea of big / small,
heavy / light etc.Gradually they learn reading and then writing.
When we learn the 2nd language we begin “A for 'apple',
B for 'bird', C for 'cat'” we learn the identity of letter then reading
Then writing. But later we learned differently again speaking .what a waste?
If we(literate/illiterate) visit another country or region where the language is not like Our one if we stay more than one moth we will interact and understand
without reading and writing . When we were born we listen & listen
at the age of two(2) and half year or at the age of 3 we reply in single
word .Then gradually we say sentence at the age of four(4) but in this age
we also made some pronoun mistake. As example if the child name
is Sumona/John s/he says that “John/sumon eats bread/rice”. But gradually
they acquire the acquiracy its take 5/6/7 year.
So in case of learning 2nd language if we create a atmosphere where
the child will get opportunity of listening and give them proper time
they will reply & interact it will be scientific(listening>talking>reading>
writing). Then after 4/5 year when they feel easy in using 2nd language you may teach /help them how do we read and write.

Md Nasrujjaman Sahaji

Friday, February 19, 2010


Talking about life after death! What a fuss……We are proud about our knowledge, which have earned after activation of our sense organ in this world/earth
In a particular region because of language whenever we have to explain ourselves for
The whole world we have to use a common language for only a few literate communities
Otherwise the only way is “gesture”. It has some limit because it is the initial.
We can fly from this earth and we can send our satellite which can take autonomous picture of our geoids, we can imagine 10 billion kilometer from where we Can see the “solar system”, we can imagine 1 trillion km. from where we can see the sun, is like little star (twinkle). We can imagine 10 light-years km. from where we can’t see anything at the direction of our “solar system”, we can imagine 1 million light-year km.From where we can see the different “galaxy”……………………..then whereIs the end? How much we can imagine? Have there any limit…..?
Birth in this world means a death in another world. Before a child’s birth We can feel that a child is growing gradually in his/her mother womb. We can’t contact With them but can we say that the womb dwellers have no power to contacting with each other with their own language in their world (womb).
So death in our sense world is mean that we will be born for another world. We have not the ability to contact with them (those who has passed) so we hide ourselves in our knowledge.

Md Nasrujjaman Sahaji

Tuesday, February 16, 2010



If anyone says "I have no intention to get anything s/he has died"
so as per the appearance of human (mentally healthy) beings want to be successful. It is not so easy… what do you want, are you going to be a cause of jealousy, are you going to be a symbol of relaxation, are you going to dominate others, are you going to be the richest one, are you going to be a respectable one of your region or for the whole world, are you going to taste the whole female / male world. Please stop here. It is difficult better to say that as our vision we measure that the man/woman is successful but s/he who had achieved, is not satisfied ……so now what your logic…  
  More or less you have an aim and you want to acquire it, isn’t it? So you jump and get it, is it possible? Now listen firstly you have to prepare for character because it is the factor which bring
Our determination, secondly you have to maintain the discipline of a particular lifestyle (Religion)
Because it is the constitutions it will guide you till your death, thirdly your work if you maintain the previous two, your all done will bring to other as good and ………to you!!!!!! And obviously you will get a reward if not brother and sister it is a recycle matter “character>religion>good work>good luck” it is rolling many times in the successful man/woman’s life after a long rolling they get the success and the failure always see the result they always unaware about the stages.
 6th Feb, 2010
1st edit 14/03/14